Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kyan the Tour Guide

The other night was Open House Night at Kyan's school. Each kindergarten pupil was walking around with a board, a pencil and a visor, and giving his/her family a tour of the most important places in their classroom, and then to the art class, the music class, to end up in the first grade quarters. All the little guides did a fantastic job.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tiny waves

Success... We managed to take the kids kayaking... The last time we tried, their screams alarmed half of the people on the beach. This time we went for a nice trip between the boats and visited the seals.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Long absence

And I'm back. No real explanation for this long silence, other then the fact that I'm not at work lately and am not spending much time in front of a computer. And also that I went hiking in Rajasthan for a while. I'm planning to edit my journal into a blog, but until it's ready, you can browse a few pictures below. Some of the pictures will appear on both slideshows. To start, click on "People" or  "Voyage", then "Slideshow" once on the flickr page.