Friday night, on the way home for daycare, we stopped by the toy store (promised visit to Kyan). Kyan chose a truck with trailer from the movie "Cars", and Anastasia got some big, colorfol beads. I thought she may be a little too young to pass them on a string, but she figured it out pretty quickly.
Kyan surprised me by choosing the blue truck, for the King, instead of the red one, for Lignthing MacQueen. I soon understood why. Friday night, he was very excited about his truck, he even slept with it. Saturday morning, he told me that he had given it to Anastasia. He then needed a new one. Later that morning, while discussing where to go for a walk, he suggested:" The toy store would be nice!". You bet. The next day, he reported that the Kind didn't want to share his trailer anymore, leaving Lighting MacQueen without trailer. Of course, it was in need of a new one. I'm really looking forward to the next excuse.