Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Quick trip to Mendocino for the weekend. Mendocino, it's a tiny town, very quiet, on the cliffs about 2 hours North of San Francisco. Overcast most of the time, except for a glorious sunset, when the sun finally moved below the clouds...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Of cabbages and men

Small conversation caught last night between Kyan and Anastasia, about the first big ship to bring immigrants to North America. The name of the ship was... the Cauliflower...
Photo: the Mayflower, a cauliflower in full sails...

New crafty blog

Since August, I'm taking online classes from the UK about surface design (to create fabrics, but also wallpapers, stationary, ...). Therefor I've been pretty busy, which may explain the lack of news on the blog. But the result is worth it, I love the classes (almost done) and the ton of homework which comes with it. I also completely redid my crafty blog to accomodate for future job research.

So, HERE, it's the home of the new blog (all the old posts have been imported), and it's easier to remember the address: www.theLazyGiraffe.com.

And should you be interested in what I've been doing with my little fingers, here's an example of a very early exercise, where we had to go out scout for geometric patterns. The exercise is on the left, and I liked the idea so much that I took it a few steps further last week.