Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January at the beach

Our Summer finally showed up, sometime between the end of December and the middle of January. We even went to the beach on Saturday, and we weren't the only ones. The kids enjoyed building islands and volcanoes, and digging rivers for their dinosaurs.
That was on Saturday. On Sunday, we were back in big sweater mode, the temperatures are freezing every night, and we already experienced our first power loss of the year (not much to do with the outside temperatures, rather with the lack of maintenance of the electrical circuit in the area, but without electricity, no heater, which is always fun when it's chilly). The rain should be settling in for a while now.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Can you recognize them?

For Christmas, I designed... Kyan and Anastasia... chibi style, to stick on a sweater for Michael. The chibis are these japanese illustrations of cut characters with big heads.

On wheels...

We finally bought small bicycles for the kids. We mostly wanted to encourage Kyan who could be a bit more daring with his gross motor skills. He can build a complex Lego model by himself, following the instructions, but when it comes to tricycle and balls, he's not quite there. At first, he wasn't too excited about the bicycle, but once he saw this great red bike with Lightning MacQueen and a little bag in front to hold traffic cones, he changed his tune (yes, it's that kind of bikes... Very athletic then...). He's doing really well on his bike since. As for Anastasia, it was a bit easier. She has been racing the circuit at daycare with her tricycle for a while.