This coming Friday and Saturday, I will take part in an amateur "Around the World" sale. Aside from showing our products, we have to bring three dishes from our home countries, all hand-made... I contemplated bringing a fondue, but didn't feel like driving 80 miles with the pot balanced on the dashboard. I need dishes I can prepare ahead of time, and possibly with very low potential for accidents. I chose to make Leckerlies and "pains d'anis" (anise breads). Since I had never made either of them, I had quite a few surprises. The first one was to find the right ingredients: not easy to find anise extract in the area, or kirsch, which really surprised me, unless I really don't know where to look. Then, the doughs: the mix for the Leckerlis is so thick and heavy that I'm sure, I'll have no problem knocking someone down with it. Extracting the spatula off the dough is quite an achievement in itself. And if the Leckerlies are fairly quick to make, shaping the pains d'anis takes ages...
At the end, the Leckerlies are a bit gummy, but I'm counting on the ignorance of the visitors to make it fly. But the pains d'anis are delicious...
As for the third dish, I think I'll just bring a bowl of fresh strawberries with some thick cream...