Officially, Kings Day is on January 6th, but the french tradition says that you can eat galette all month long. I tried to explain Kyan what Kings Day meant, but it's still quite nebulous. He asked me several times during the day when we would go see the Kings. After another attempt to tell him the story, he thought that the Kings were coming over to eat the galette with us, and was expecting them at the door any minute. I guess we'll have to wait a bit longer to have the whole idea straight.
And my galette is squared, instead of a nice round shape. It's hard to find the special dough here, and I didn't feel like making it from scratch. The only one I can find comes in delicately folded little squares, hence the somewhat medieval look, but it's still excellent to eat... And Kyan got the charm...
And for those who don't know the tradition, Kings Day is when the three wise men (Gaspar, Balthazar and Melchior), following the Shepard's star, arrived in Bethleem to visit the baby Jesus, bringing gold, incense and mhyr. The tradition is to share a cake or a galette in which a charm is hidden. The person who finds the charm in his/her share of the cake is the king/queen for the day and gets to wear a nifty paper crown.